Greece’s elder stateswoman of cooking and baking, Vefa Alexiadou’s profile outside her native country was the sum total of nothing before, in 2009, the Phaidon…
Lee Wakeham knows what it’s like to find yourself in prison having made poor, life-altering decisions as a teenager, so understands implicitly how people are swept into criminal activity. A myriad of reasons; a lack of skills and education, absent…
Transport hubs, whether rail stations, airports or motorway service stations, seep a sense of transience into their surroundings, a near-fact to which anyone who has…
When something is so Instagram-friendly it seems incompatible with reality, existence in the world outside can become problematic. Pollen Bakery burst onto social media via…
Running her tea room and bakery in Sarzana in north-west Italy, Melissa Forti has achieved the ultimate dream for many self-taught bakers and applied her passion and creativity to a successful business built on a pure love of the craft….
Rich in agriculture, food tradition and no small number of bakeries, Scotland’s bread offer isn’t to be underestimated. To qualify and quantify the nation’s expertise…
The famous Tower Bridge, a recognisable London landmark for over a century, has been rebuilt in cake and icing form, just one crazy cake decorating idea resulting from the WATG Great Architectural Bake-Off 2018. A highlight of the annual London…
Delicately fragranced with lemon, both in its crème pâtissière filling and pastry case, the Torta della Nonna is a timeless, Italian classic for good reason. A top scattered with pine nuts and dusted with icing sugar, ‘grandmother’s tart’ is omnipresent…